Content Developed for CSC212

On this page, I have content created for the course.

Current students: back to the Moodle

I created almost all assignments from scratch in this course, developed on Github. Looking for a link? Check Moodle or Piazza first if you’re a student. This page is mostly for students who already took CSC212 and want to revisit some of the assignments.

Content Pages from Older Editions of the Course:

Assignments (Officially on Moodle):

All assignments developed for this course are likely publicly available on Github from previous semesters. Past versions are listed below, but if you are reading and/or coding ahead, be aware that I make updates to them before officially assigning them each year.

Additional Materials Developed:

  • Course Examples: Workspace for examples used and developed for slides.
  • Calculator AST: Example of a customized tree for computing numeric values from our introduction to trees lecture. Starting point for Logic final project.
  • TicTacToe: Example of a Tic-Tac-Toe game built on the GFX library used to introduce enums.
  • GFX: Graphics Library: Simplify access to Swing’s Graphics2D library for animation (Aquarium, Fish Grid). Students need not use this directly. Badge